Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Belle's 3rd Month

 Just wanted to post a few pictures of this precious girl's third month.  We adore her, and even when I feel like I'm getting my trashed kicked as a mother (which has seemed like a lot the past few weeks), this girl's smile makes it all seem like maybe I'm not doing as bad as a job as I sometimes think. 
At three months she loves the following:
Looking at and chewing/sucking on her hands.
Waking up about every three hours at night to eat.
Being bounced in my arms on the edge of the bed when she is ready to go to sleep.
Talking and smiling at any one who will talk and smile to her, but especially Daddy. 
Sleeping on her tummy and sometimes waking herself up when she rolls over.
She HATES when I touch her nose to clean it.  She cries as soon as I start and stops as soon as I stop.


Heather said...

She's so cute and I love that you are in some of the pictures with her. (I'm always the one behind the camera so there's almost no evidence of my motherhood.)
It's amazing how fast they grow! How can she be 3 months old already? (My baby is a month old now and I can't believe it). Doesn't it make you want to freeze time (sometimes) so you can soak up all the great things about having an adorable baby girl?

Alissa said...

So cute! I love her little hat!

Lynette said...

What a darling little girl! You should have a few more like her! (And you're a flat-out GREAT mom, so never fear, those tough days pass!) Love you!