Tuesday, May 11, 2010

14 month-old Bear

It's been awhile since I have documented about Bear and he has been changing and growing up so much the past month or so.  Here's what's new:
Lately when he is pooping I pat his bum and say, "Oh, are you going poo-poo?" And yesterday he told me all on his own! He was standing at the couch and started grunting, then patted his hip and said to me, "poo-poo."  He is so smart. :)
New Words: Bubble, Balloon (boon), Bus (Bu! Bu! as he points out the window at a school bus on the street),  Uh-oh, cheese (chzzzz).
Likes: riding bikes, crawling into my lap with a book (an animal book that is. any other book just won't do)
Passions: Squirrels, Birds, and Dogs  (He could watch them out the window and chase them ALL day)
He is strong willed and determined to get what he wants.
Still not walking, but sooo close.  Bug walked at 14.5 months so Bear has another week or two.
 He is such a cuddler and I adore that about him. Definitely a Momma's boy and I can't get enough of him either. 

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