Friday, January 21, 2011

Crazy Straps and Snow Days

 The boys got Toy Story Silly Bands from their Uncles for Christmas.  Bear has been wearing them around the house almost every day since then.  He likes to take them on and off and wash them each under the tap before he puts them back on. Bug thinks they are called "Crazy Straps".  I LOVE how kids interpret words.  HILARIOUS.
 (That nasty looking stuff he is eating is guac and baby food squash.  Doesn't it look tempting?)
  We are finally getting snow around here.  Last year we had already been "snowed in" for almost three months.  A MUCH welcomed change.  Now I just have to make it through March. 
 Normally I am a go, go, go Mom and have a hard time if we don't leave the house each day, but in the winter it is just TOO much hassel. Mittens, coats, beanies, scarves, being worried about germs, etc.  I have tried to limit our outings to the YMCA and Joy School. 
The weather has lead to creativity around the house and the boys have been having a blast together.  Bug is such a good big brother. I am so grateful for him.

1 comment:

Heather said...

Cool blanket fort! That looks like fun. We've built a couple of those this winter too. I don't seem to get out of the house nearly as often anymore. Partly because of winter, and partly because it's just too much of a hassle right now with all 4. I drop off S & J at preschool every day in the afternoons and just that is enough work to convince me to stay home nearly every morning.